
the car junkie daily magazine.


Category Archive: Car Features, HISTORIC, JUNKYARDS, MOPAR, MOPAR, Project Cars, Videos

Wagon Week With Magnante: A Big Block Chrysler Town And Country Sounds Like The Perfect Mopar Family Truckster

If you are a Mopar fan, and you think a fullsize wagon would be a great family machine, then this Chrysler Town and Country is just what the doctor ordered. Before the Town and Country was a minivan,...

One Owner, Original, Unmolested 1972 Plymouth Barracuda! Blue with White Interior, Rallye Dash

Talk about a survivor! This Mopar is an awesome score and Chad is going to tell you all about it in the video below. But read the story below as well and if this needs to be yours you can contact...

Desktop Build: A Detailed Build Of A ’77 Dodge Warlock Model Kit

How long has it been since you put a model kit together? We’re talking paint, cement, the whole nine yards. My last one I built in 2017, the MPC “Fuzz Duster” 1980 Plymouth Volaré...

Not Muscle: This Basic Dodge Coronet Comes Back To Life

Yes, wild and hairy cars were built between 1964 and roughly 1972. Wild colors, nuclear option engine choices, exhaust notes that could make the dead perk up and take notice…they existed. You...

Unhinged: How Clean Is Too Clean?

If there is a cleaner example of a 1975-1979 Mopar B-body than Jim Rief’s 1977 Dodge Charger SE, then it is socked away in a corner of a museum that is owned by Stellantis that nobody is...

MORE: MOPAR, Unhinged

FACTORY DRAG CARS Exposed! The Hot Rod Hoarder Finds The Holy Grail from GM, Ford and Mopar.

Tommy Lee Byrd is back at it, with another great Hot Rod Hoarder video and we can’t thank him enough. This is a rad video, with tons of incredibly sexy and bitchin rides. We’re going to...

Vice Grip Garage Frankenstein Duster Part 5: Plymouth Duster Suspension, Finishing Details, Burnouts, and WINNER Announced!

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! The Duster is getting finished, driven, and given away, all in this one video! Yep, it’s getting all the finishing touches, along with some suspension parts, and...

New Junkyard Inventory! Gasser Goodness! This 1938 Dodge Business Coupe Could Fulfill Your Gasser Dreams!

Chad Ehrlich’s Nobody Else’s Auto is the go to spot for bitchin old iron, parts, and projects, and this one that he just got in is really something special. This 1938 Dodge appears to...

Now This Is A Rare Race Car! The HOLY GRAIL – 1963 Dodge 330 Max Wedge “Lightweight” With A Great Story

Factory race cars are some of the coolest cars on the planet, and this one here is so unique as to be a unicorn. Or a Holy Grail as Tommy Lee Byrd calls it. There is some seriously cool history here...

The Hot Rod Hoarder Features The RAREST Hemi Ever Built – The Only Remaining Chrysler “Ball Stud HEMI”

I know some folks that own some REALLY rare Hemi cars, but this one here might take the cake. Check out the full story from the Hot Rod Hoarder, Tommy Lee Byrd, below. Video Description Mopar history...

Carlisle Chrysler Nationals 2023: Hot, Hot, and Seriously Hot!

Ask anyone who was at Carlisle this year for the Chrysler Nationals, and they’ll use one word: hot. We aren’t talking “yes, it’s summer” hot. We’re not talking...

Carlisle Chrysler Nationals 2023: The Mopar Faithful Return To The Fairgrounds In Droves

The fairgrounds at Carlisle have hosted automotive get-togethers for what seems like forever. 80-something acres of show field with marked-off parking means that you can pack in the crowds. And with...

Unhinged: The Charger’s First Major Roadtrip And The Chryslers At Carlisle Experience

In between BangShift Mid-West to the Carlisle Fairgrounds sits 685 miles of open highway. In any modern car, that’s a cakewalk. If you were driving, say, a 1993 Dodge Daytona IROC, you’d...

A Warehouse Full Of Barn Find Superbirds And Talladegas?! WTF Is Going On Here?

When you hear about giant barn find collections, regardless of what is in them, you gotta be impressed, but sometimes they are out of this world. You’ll remember that a few months ago we ran an...