How Bad Is OEM Oil? Or Good? Honda vs Toyota vs AC Delco vs Motorcraft vs Mobil 1

How Bad Is OEM Oil? Or Good? Honda vs Toyota vs AC Delco vs Motorcraft vs Mobil 1

Oil is one of those products that you can buy at a bunch of different price points, and that have insane marketing campaigns to tell you why their brand is best and why it all matters so much. And as if it weren’t enough to have Pennzoil, Valvoline, and Mobil 1, and all the other brands telling you how important it is to use good brand name oil, you also get it from whoever built your car. If you actually look at the manual, a lot of OE’s actually call for their brand of oil to be used when you do your oil changes. And with many new cars coming with maintenance included, those brands of oil are what the dealership is going to use. But are they good? Are they worth using? Or are they actually better than other name brand oil?

In the video below, Project Farm is going to put several OE oils through their paces, including oil analysis, so check it out and see how they stack up against Mobil 1. What do you think? OE Oil or aftermarket?

Video Description:

Motor Oils: Mopar, Motorcraft, ACDelco, Honda, Toyota, and Mobil 1. Motor oils compared for lubricity or film strength, evaporative loss, and cold oil flow before and after heat exposure.

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