WatchingDarrell Waltrip Lose His Mind While Riding Shotgun Around Mount Panomara In Bathurst Australia Is Awesome!

It’s been a dozen years ago that Darrell Waltrip took this ride around Mount Panorama in Bathurst, Australia, but boy is it fun to watch. As a driver, it is certainly not something he’s...

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Featured Products: Ridetech Late Model Mopar Coilovers & Air Suspension Now Available!

Ridetech is pleased to announce their adjustable coilover and air suspension systems are now available for the Dodge Charger, Challlenger, Magnum and Chrysler 300C. Both coilover and air suspension...

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Old School Cool Video: This 1974 Film From Perfect Circle Piston Rings Showcases Indy, Manufacturing, Lloyd Ruby

This is a gem of a video. Made by the Perfect Circle Piston Ring Company in 1974 it takes us through the world of manufacturing rings from conception to actual quality control tasing. It also takes...

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Ultimate Street Cars at Thunderhill: Round Two of the Ultimate Street Car heads to Northern California

(Words by Jim McIlvaine, Photos by Kaleb Kelley) OPTIMA may be searching for the ultimate street cars, but they’re looking to amateurs (at least non-professional drivers) to deliver the goods and...

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An East Coasters Tour Of So Cal Hot Rodding History: Mooneyes Shop Tour Photos From Joe Grippo.

(Words and Photos by Joe Grippo) The next few stops on our East Coasters Tour of Southern California Hot Rod Shops took us to some legendary locations. First up on this day was Blairs Speed Shop in...

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There are lots of LS parts available, and it has never been easier to build real horsepower, but which mods are the ones you should actually spend your money on if you are hopping up a 4.8? Nobody...

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WatchingDarrell Waltrip Lose His Mind While Riding Shotgun Around Mount Panomara In Bathurst Australia Is Awesome!

It’s been a dozen years ago that Darrell Waltrip took this ride around Mount Panorama in Bathurst, Australia, but boy is it fun to watch. As a driver, it is certainly not something he’s...

Clutch Tech: RebelDryver Scott Is Replacing The Clutch On His 515 HP 1965 Impala SS with a T-56 6 speed AGAIN!

Scott is a longtime stick shift guy, who has done tons of stick shift swaps and has daily driven stick cars for years. So when he made a small mistake on the install of his McLeod RXT clutch during a...

Crash Test Video: Watch This C3 Corvette Equipped With Air Bags Get Demolished

Crash testing is one of the most costly, interesting, and important factors in developing new cars. Sometimes it even he new cars that are used for crash testing as this video form Chevrolet proves...

Featured Products: Ridetech Late Model Mopar Coilovers & Air Suspension Now Available!

Ridetech is pleased to announce their adjustable coilover and air suspension systems are now available for the Dodge Charger, Challlenger, Magnum and Chrysler 300C. Both coilover and air suspension...

Great Video: Here’s The Inside Story On How The Legendary GMC Syclone Came To Exist And Fly!

Some cars and trucks will just be forever cool, right? We think that the GMC Syclone is among that group. The looks, the performance, the drivetrain used for its era. All of these things set the...

Old School Cool Video: This 1974 Film From Perfect Circle Piston Rings Showcases Indy, Manufacturing, Lloyd Ruby

This is a gem of a video. Made by the Perfect Circle Piston Ring Company in 1974 it takes us through the world of manufacturing rings from conception to actual quality control tasing. It also takes...


Rocker arms are considerable less work to replace than a camshaft, even on an LS engine which is a lot easier to cam swap, so if they are worth the same power as a camshaft then why not just do the...

Ultimate Street Cars at Thunderhill: Round Two of the Ultimate Street Car heads to Northern California

(Words by Jim McIlvaine, Photos by Kaleb Kelley) OPTIMA may be searching for the ultimate street cars, but they’re looking to amateurs (at least non-professional drivers) to deliver the goods and...

How Bad Is OEM Oil? Or Good? Honda vs Toyota vs AC Delco vs Motorcraft vs Mobil 1

Oil is one of those products that you can buy at a bunch of different price points, and that have insane marketing campaigns to tell you why their brand is best and why it all matters so much. And as...

DIY Wheel Cribs: How To Get Your Car In The Air, Without A Lift Or Big Money By Building Your Own Wheel Cribs At Home

I built cars for decades with nothing more than jackstands, floor jacks, and an old frame jack that was my Grandpa’s. It was about 10 years ago that I got a lift of my own, which is a game...

An East Coasters Tour Of So Cal Hot Rodding History: Part 2 – Mooneyes Shop Tour Photos From Joe Grippo.

(Words and Photos by Joe Grippo) The next few stops on our East Coasters Tour of Southern California Hot Rod Shops took us to some legendary locations. First up on this day was Blairs Speed Shop in...

Carroll Shelby Goes Racing With Ford Is The Coolest Factory Produced Film Of The 1960s

Filmed in the middle 1960s, “Carroll Shelby Goes Racing With Ford” was a promotional film made to highlight both the production cars and racing efforts of Ford and Shelby America. From...

Wait, What? You Could Still Buy A DeTomaso Pantera in 1987 Check Out This GT5-S Video Review!

Somewhere along the line I guess I lost the memo about the fact that you could still actually buy a DeTomaso Pantera in the year 1987! The cars were interesting in the fact that the body and chassis...


I literally just got off the phone with a friend of mine yesterday when he was talking about his 5.3 LS engine build and the 425 horsepower that he wants to make, and where I told him that all LS...