WatchingDarrell Waltrip Lose His Mind While Riding Shotgun Around Mount Panomara In Bathurst Australia Is Awesome!

WatchingDarrell Waltrip Lose His Mind While Riding Shotgun Around Mount Panomara In Bathurst Australia Is Awesome!

It’s been a dozen years ago that Darrell Waltrip took this ride around Mount Panorama in Bathurst, Australia, but boy is it fun to watch. As a driver, it is certainly not something he’s comfortable with, but being the showman that he is means this is some serious entertainment. If you haven’t seen this video in a while, then you need to watch this one. He’s talking the whole time, in a car that wasn’t originally setup to house two people on the race track, and while it is totally entertaining I’m not sure he was real comfortable with the whole thing.

As an event announcer, who has raced on multiple occasions while mic’d up and talking, I can also tell you that there have been a few times when someone had a bad idea like this that I jumped at and later on wondered if it was smart. I’m sure DW had a few moments like that during this lap. Check it out.

Video Description:

Team BOC’s Jason Bright gave NASCAR legend Darrell Waltrip his first taste of a V8 Supercar, taking him for some hot laps around Mount Panorama in Bathurst, Australia. The four-time NASCAR Champion was clearly thrilled with his high-speed passenger ride.

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