Comments on: BangShift Question Of The Day: How Bad Did You Screw Up In The Snow? the car junkie daily magazine. Tue, 27 Dec 2022 00:40:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Weasel1 Tue, 27 Dec 2022 00:40:57 +0000 In reply to Donut.

Somewhere around 77/78 while stationed in Berlin Germany we got a lot of snow around New Years. A bunch of us young GI’s got the smart idea to ski behind one of our vw bugs with the auto stick. We just used our boots and a short rope two at a time. As we were partaking in some adult beverages we just laughed from bouncing off parked cars and curbs. Next morning all six of us barely made it through PT, thought we were going to die! We all had bruises that hurt like hell and a massive hangover from apple whiskey mixed with beer. The 1st Sgt had us do guard duty for the next two weeks because we wore the sole of our boots down so far we couldn’t march correctly.

By: Donut Mon, 26 Dec 2022 19:01:18 +0000 Back in 1990 somthin’, my winter beater was a 79 Blazer. After school I drove quickly toward the snow piles that were probably 5′ high and nailed the brakes Everybody was yelling for me to do it and I figured I would drive through it and give everyone a laugh.

I backed up and made a run for it. Turns out they were frozen solid, that ol’ Blazer launched up in air like a monster truck. Pretty sure I bent the front axle on the landing. If this was today there would have been cell phone video.

By: 69rrboy Mon, 26 Dec 2022 06:04:06 +0000 My dad always told me of the time a guy he commuted together with bought a new Chebby truck around 1970. At one point in their trip there was a drive-in theater about 40 feet off the main road. In between there was a service road that went down on an angle pretty good but when it snowed real hard eventually it would look like it was straight across the whole way. About 2 weeks into the ownership it snowed A LOT and he got the brilliant idea to try to impress my dad with how good his 4X4 system worked so he headed down the service road. They almost made it but once they were in up to the rockers it was all over. They both bailed out and had to walk back to his house. The next day it was sunk to the door handles and after a few more days you could barely see it anymore. It took about a month for the snow to melt enough for somebody to finally pull him out. I wish somebody would’ve taken pictures.

By: Robert Trachy Sun, 25 Dec 2022 13:07:07 +0000 Wow,
Where to start. Mostly positive memories of snow driving. Growing up in Bucks County PA. 50 years ago we would head out in a pack of 6 to 10 cars to the farm country north of Newtown mostly in VW Beetles. The lead driver would pick a cornfield to drive out into. Usually with about a 1/2 foot to foot of snow. We would drive as far as we could until we could make no more forward progress, then several of us would turn the beetles around by grabbing them by the front bumper and turn them around to drive back out the tracks we made on the way in. We also would go to empty store or mall parking lots and have the donut challenge. I was the donut King for several years. I had a 1968 Corvair with the 140 HP motor and auto trans plus positraction. I would run my summer tires on Donut days. That Corvair would spin forever. Go about 30 MPH put it in low punch the throttle and cut the wheel. Lived in Colorado in the 70’s, we would pick unplowed forest service roads and see how far we could drive down them with all matter of Vehicles. Sometimes it was an all day adventure.
I would have to say the best winter driving on public roads was on the back roads of Central NY and the Adirondacks. And the ultimate winter driving is ice racing. It’s the most fun you can have with your clothes on.
