Comments on: All American Fuel Dragsters Association To Vote On Boycott Of Hot Rod Reunion the car junkie daily magazine. Sun, 03 Jul 2022 02:45:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Frank Hutto Sun, 03 Jul 2022 02:45:42 +0000 So maybe it is time for a funny car chaos type group for top fuel guys?
I dont have a car but I have a bad ass 1/8 mile track in Illinois for a traing grounds or home track!

By: Barry Pippin Mon, 20 Jun 2022 09:58:59 +0000 I was at Bowling Green this year , we had two TFD and six AA/FC . NHRA don’t care about there fans or the races , very sad what they are doing to all of us.

By: Ibcreativeone Sat, 07 May 2022 02:38:57 +0000 In reply to DJ.

AAFD should hook up with NDRL. They have the best racing…

By: Ted Mon, 02 May 2022 20:09:06 +0000 Any of us that have been drag racing for any length of time all seem to agree that the NHRA is on a serious decline. This story makes zero sense as the rail guys are bringing funds, new sponsor and nothing but goodwill and they get less than zero interest from NHRA?

Pro side of the NHRA has to me been seriously lacklustre since the 4 wide/ridiculous flopper bodies/death of Pro Stock, the cheesy corporate side of sponsorship that prevails now, and even the sportsman side has suffered to where it’s mostly guys with seriously deep pockets who make the staging lanes now. Bracket racing shouldn’t consume a month’s wages for a day’s racing.

The little guy side of racing is dead, and NHRA seems to be following NASCAR into a show few enjoy, most can’t afford, and less go to watch.

That saddens me as a 60 year old gearhead.

By: Bill Sampson Sun, 01 May 2022 16:11:22 +0000 I have watched NHRA downgrade for the last 20 years. This does not surprise me. Whoever is managing the helm needs to be replaced.

By: Just Gary Fri, 29 Apr 2022 13:04:04 +0000 What’s the NHRA’s side of the story?
Not even a “NHRA had no comment” ??

I’m not defending NHRA at all; I am questioning the author’s objectivity when only one side is offered.

By: Mr Sunshine Fri, 29 Apr 2022 03:44:28 +0000 In reply to DJ.

the year of the first HRR in Bowling Green there were 7 or 8 pages of coverage in National Ragster, now it is barely 3

By: Ray Thu, 28 Apr 2022 23:31:44 +0000 In reply to Darris Hardwidge.

You are right. Four wide is a joke not good racing! It all about the money and control.

By: Truckin' Ted Thu, 28 Apr 2022 20:48:50 +0000 Hubris will eventually bring down the NHRA. A company that continues to make one bad decision after another cannot survive.

When that day comes, it will be a very happy day.

By: Phil Leonard Thu, 28 Apr 2022 18:06:35 +0000 For years I have attended the Famoso HHR (and March Meet). I absolutely enjoy them. I’ve never had the privilege of being in KY, but I’m sure the rodders in that region of our great land enjoy themselves as much. So here’s a humble plea from an aging car guy: please work it out folks, the racing atmosphere is tenuous enough as is. Mucho Gracias
