Comments on: Another One Bites The Dust: R.I.P. Auto Club Dragway the car junkie daily magazine. Wed, 08 Dec 2021 18:49:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daniel Wed, 08 Dec 2021 18:49:31 +0000 The remainder of the facility could run because they were rented out by private organizations with their own equipment, employees, safety crews hired, and insurance.

The drag strip was always run through the track which is owned by NASCAR corporate, and relied on their NHRA partnership for the track insurance policy. When outside events were hosted the facility was rented including the staff and equipment etc.

Starting shortly after March 2020 they fired all their employees, sold/moved out all the drag strip equipment and supplies, and made the property essentially a storage yard. Even if a full track rental were to happen, the track would’ve needed probably a couple weeks of full time work and $$$$ to revive it, and still the pits were full of other junk being stored.

This is a massive devastating loss for the community – especially bracket racing – but a major reason the drag strip at Fontana was a failure is the disconnect between what people want, and what was actually offered.

For drag racing to survive in Socal there desperately needs to be a place to run that isn’t saddled by NHRA regulations, corporate inefficiency and bureaucracy, and the burden of a multi-million dollar facility.

Yeah sure – for bracket racing to continue we need an NHRA style track with prep, lights, timing system etc, but really we really just need a strip of road where people are allowed to take their cars out and have fun without being bothered by LEO, or bothering anyone else with the noise. The ability to run noprep/lights out/street car style races that’re drawing all the crowds in the rest of the country would be amazing too. This primarily is where the money and excitement in drag racing is today.

As terrible as it is for the bracket racers, Fontana/Irwindale/Bakersfield/Barona – none of these tracks fill the void that will actually get people off the street and having fun in a responsible and safe environment. 9 and 10 second cars are standard off the showroom today. You think all these cars with a few bolt-ons making 1000+ horsepower today have cut up their car to put in a 10 point cage with certification, seat, harnesses, window nets, SFI balancer, flywheel, trans shield etc etc etc? No – these cars are still perfectly capable street driven cars and will never be built to NHRA regulations.

These fast street cars are still all going to be doing highway pulls to 150+ mph on the street at night because there is nowhere else to do it, and having Fontucky open or not didn’t make a difference there.

This is a massive missed opportunity to capitalize on the growth and resurgence of interest in drag racing everywhere else in the country.

By: M.Brown Wed, 08 Dec 2021 16:52:56 +0000 Do you participate in motorsports? Get the hell out of So. Cal.. It’s been that way since the County closed.

By: Michael S. Hoyt Wed, 08 Dec 2021 14:45:30 +0000 New England Dragway almost closed this year, someone offered to buy the land for $12.5 Mil. Got voted down by the Stockholders by a huge majority luckily. Good thing it’s a Stockholder owned track where it takes a majority to decide that. Yet people keep giving us shit for that. At least we’re still open.

By: Jim Partridge Mon, 06 Dec 2021 03:08:02 +0000 In reply to Brian B.

Since I don’t know you, I’m confident you don’t know me, my family or our history. Trolling me with that comment makes your opinion irrelevant.

By: Patrick Mon, 06 Dec 2021 01:55:57 +0000 Irwindale was scheduled to be torn down a few years ago. it is already on borrowed time

By: Brian B Sun, 05 Dec 2021 18:46:29 +0000 In reply to Jim Partridge.

Would you run it like your cousin’s business Sevenly? Or his fake school? Because Partridge in charge of a business doesn’t really give me a lot of confidence.

By: Michael Sun, 05 Dec 2021 18:42:14 +0000 In what world is Irwindale only 15 minutes from Auto Club Speedway? They are 35 miles apart on good day you would be lucky to make it in an hour with traffic.

By: Bill Sampson Sun, 05 Dec 2021 16:28:51 +0000 I agree with you on management issues with the track. From what I have read, Walmart owns the land that The Irwindale Speedway is built on. This may be the next casualty.

By: Jim Partridge Sun, 05 Dec 2021 14:46:34 +0000 Those who know me know it wouldn’t have happened under my direction. Those who don’t will scoff.

By: Loren Sun, 05 Dec 2021 13:53:00 +0000 In reply to Paul.

I also have had nothing but positive experiences there, and deeply appreciate that the land is provided by the tribe for such use. Just know that if you’re a non-member on the reservation and some unattended belonging disappears, as long as that item stays on the res’ you have no recourse there, they are the law-keepers of their own land. That affects which kind of outsider businesses work and which don’t, and it’s not a complaint just a warning about a deal which is not widely abused but exists all the same. As with the casino, the entrance guard booth exists partly to manage local trouble-makers who might wish to take advantage, so that business reputation is not affected.
