Comments on: Kamikaze’s Crash: How To Kill An El Camino In 3…2…1 the car junkie daily magazine. Wed, 23 Sep 2020 17:40:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dennis Scharp Wed, 23 Sep 2020 17:40:37 +0000 I wish someone with half a brain would realize how stupid and dangerous this whole Outlaw street racing is and put an end to it. Drag racing needs to be done at the strip not the street. It is absolutely insane to allow cars with 4000 hp (which I dont believe) to even drive on a street let alone race at high speeds. They are not going to be happy until a few guys get killed.

And before you say or think that I dont know what I am talking about…you are wrong. I have raced both on the street and the strip. Once my car got to about 500 hp, I realized the need for the added security and safety of the street. Now….there is one exception to what I just said. Understanding all the fake crap that has happened in other reality shows, I think all the racing is staged and not real…the cars dont make 4000 hp or if they do, the drivers dont give full throttle response. I have seen 4000 hp cars…the el camino is no where near that.. maybe 850-1000 which is still too much for the street. No prep races on a strip are almost as stupid.

Worst thing about all this is the kids are trying to replicate this insanity. This show needs to be removed from tv…immediately

By: bob Mon, 21 Sep 2020 02:50:11 +0000 If I were you I would keep doing the same things and expect a different outcome.
