Category Archive: FORD, Metal Fabrication, OTHER, Project Cars, TECH, Tech Stories, Videos
The Make It Kustom 1931 Model A Ford Hot Rod Is Getting The Steering COLUMN, BOX, WHEEL & SHAFTS ALL INSTALLED
Mar 28, 2024Chad Reynolds0
The Make It Kustom Model A Ford project is one that regular fans of the channel will know very well. This thing has been used for all kinds of cool tech videos on metal shaping and so much more. We...
GM Steering Column Tech: How To Fix A Broken Turn Signal Cam On Late 1960’s to Early 90’s GM Steering Columns.
Mar 27, 2024Chad Reynolds0
If you have driven enough older GM cars or trucks, you have undoubtedly run into one or two that have screwed up turn signal switches. The normal is that the cam breaks inside the column so the turn...
Clutch Tech: RebelDryver Scott Is Replacing The Clutch On His 515 HP 1965 Impala SS with a T-56 6 speed AGAIN!
Mar 27, 2024Chad Reynolds0
Scott is a longtime stick shift guy, who has done tons of stick shift swaps and has daily driven stick cars for years. So when he made a small mistake on the install of his McLeod RXT clutch during a...
Hey There 3/26! Let’s Take A Look At The Little Pontiac 326 Engine – A Small Bore Worker
Mar 26, 2024Brian Lohnes0
Well we’re continuing to hit as many engine high points as we can over the course of the “muscle car” months this year. Today, being 3/26, we’re going to pay some homage to...
Mar 25, 2024Chad Reynolds0
Rocker arms are considerable less work to replace than a camshaft, even on an LS engine which is a lot easier to cam swap, so if they are worth the same power as a camshaft then why not just do the...
How Bad Is OEM Oil? Or Good? Honda vs Toyota vs AC Delco vs Motorcraft vs Mobil 1
Mar 25, 2024Chad Reynolds0
Oil is one of those products that you can buy at a bunch of different price points, and that have insane marketing campaigns to tell you why their brand is best and why it all matters so much. And as...
When The Hemi Got Hurt, The Race Car Got Parked! But How Bad Was It Actually Hurt? Will the 41 Willys Project Live Again?
Mar 25, 2024Chad Reynolds0
This one is going to be fun, not only because it is a cool car that Dennis and Deb put together years ago, but also because when Dennis and Alex started tearing into it to find out what the problems...
Fabrication How-To: Building Custom Seat Brackets For An Old Truck With Dirthead Dave and Mom’s Spaghetti
Mar 24, 2024Chad Reynolds0
When I see Dave wheeling Mom’s Spaghetti, his full-size Ford, it makes me smile. I mean I’m a Chevrolet guy so I’d probably choose some other body style, but this thing is dead...
DIY Wheel Cribs: How To Get Your Car In The Air, Without A Lift Or Big Money By Building Your Own Wheel Cribs At Home
Mar 24, 2024Chad Reynolds0
I built cars for decades with nothing more than jackstands, floor jacks, and an old frame jack that was my Grandpa’s. It was about 10 years ago that I got a lift of my own, which is a game...
REVIVING Dylan McCool’s 1969 Charger! How Bad Is This Thing Really? Floor Pans and Paint To The Rescue!
Mar 23, 2024Chad Reynolds0
I’ve recently seen some cars that seemed impossible to bring back to life end up being beautiful rides. With the amount of restoration parts available, you can build a lot of muscle cars from...
Better Than Ever: Newbern Is Trading Cars Again, Which Means He’s Got Another Tri-Five Coming, But He’s Already Owned It Once.
Mar 23, 2024Chad Reynolds0
You ever sell a car to someone and tell them that if they ever decide to get rid of it they should call you first? Or just get a call one day from someone who owns one of your old cars and is wanting...
Custom Dash How To: Amazing “STACK A TACK” MIG Welding TECHNIQUE = NO WARPING! Finishing The 1930 MODEL A Dash
Mar 22, 2024Chad Reynolds0
In this video from the Custom Dash series, Karl is taking the dash he has been custom forming and installs it into the model A using a technique called Stack A Tack. You are going to want to watch...
Are The Generic Amazon Brands Worth it? New Amazon Power Tools That Take Name Brand Batteries Get Put To The Test. Some Good, Some Not So Good.
Mar 22, 2024Chad Reynolds0
It’s time for another cheap tool test showdown from the Torque Test Channel and that means we are going to see some surprises, both good and bad. But it also means that we are going to be...
Mar 21, 2024Chad Reynolds0
I literally just got off the phone with a friend of mine yesterday when he was talking about his 5.3 LS engine build and the 425 horsepower that he wants to make, and where I told him that all LS...