XL Truck News Archives - BangShift.com https://bangshift.com/category/bangshiftxl/bangshiftxl-truck-news/ the car junkie daily magazine. Thu, 21 Mar 2024 12:37:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hardhat History: This 1940s Allis-Chalmers HD5 Crawler Tractor Sales Video Is Great https://bangshift.com/bangshiftxl/bangshiftxl-truck-videos/1940s-allis-chalmers-hd5-crawler-tractor-sales-video/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=1940s-allis-chalmers-hd5-crawler-tractor-sales-video https://bangshift.com/bangshiftxl/bangshiftxl-truck-videos/1940s-allis-chalmers-hd5-crawler-tractor-sales-video/#respond Thu, 21 Mar 2024 08:14:01 +0000 https://bangshift.com/?p=891100 It sounds weird to say but as we have seen cars evolve from the 1940s through today, many of the same things that have happened in cars have happened with heavy equipment. This 1940s Allis-Chalmers HD5 Crawler Tractor Sales Video does a good job of illustrating that. The stuff today is more complex, outside of […]

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It sounds weird to say but as we have seen cars evolve from the 1940s through today, many of the same things that have happened in cars have happened with heavy equipment. This 1940s Allis-Chalmers HD5 Crawler Tractor Sales Video does a good job of illustrating that. The stuff today is more complex, outside of the headlights, this tractor has nothing electrical. Stuff today is largely safer, as cool as the open cab operator position is here if one of these rolls over, the operator is doomed. Stuff today has swelled up in size as well. Now, yes there are perhaps more options to pick from in terms of what size you need your machine to be, but the HD5 represented kind of the largest swath of equipment most people needed. Not too big and not too small.

As all these old films are want to do, we see the machine doing a load of different jobs. From acting as a log skidder in the mountains to doing snow work in the city, light construction, moving coal, effectively everything that the marketing department could dream up.

I’d like to have one of these bad boys to fire up and play around with. Between the Detroit Diesel power and the bucket to scoop stuff with, I’d have a blast.

Press play below to see this awesome 1940s sales film for the Allis-Chalmers HD5

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Historical Video: Sinking Ships, Making Steel, Slogging Through The Mud – WWII Footage https://bangshift.com/bangshiftxl/bangshiftxl-truck-videos/sinking-ships-making-steel-slogging-through-the-mud/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=sinking-ships-making-steel-slogging-through-the-mud https://bangshift.com/bangshiftxl/bangshiftxl-truck-videos/sinking-ships-making-steel-slogging-through-the-mud/#respond Mon, 18 Mar 2024 08:24:06 +0000 https://bangshift.com/?p=885609 This is one of those videos that shows the incredible size and scope of what WWII was by the time it reached its peak at the end of the first half of the 1940s. The film you are going to see was restricted at the time, which we’re guessing means that it was only intended […]

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This is one of those videos that shows the incredible size and scope of what WWII was by the time it reached its peak at the end of the first half of the 1940s. The film you are going to see was restricted at the time, which we’re guessing means that it was only intended to be shown to military audiences and not run as a newsreel for the public.

The first thing shown is the sinking of the German battleship Tirpitz. The sinking is incredible for the amount of damage the thing sustains from aerial bombardment but the fact that it took three attempts to even hit the ship is the wildest part. Thousands of smoke pots were used to create a smoke screen so thick that it basically made the fjord the ship was hiding in completely socked in.

From the sinking of the Tirpitz we head to France and see a massive steel plant that has been built and is being operated by the allies. Hearing the advantages of manufacturing rather than shipping over is both wild and totally sensible. What did they need all the steel for? Rebuilding the place. When the footage is shown of the rail depots in Belgium which were destroyed to limit the German military’s mobility and ability to move troops to the front lines.

Finally we see flooding in France, Ike with the soldiers, and more. And this was just ONE theater of the war. The fighting in the Pacific was still hardcore and going like hell as this was being made. Incredible.

Press play below to check out this 1944 WWII film – the size and scope!

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Apollo Video: Check Out This Neat 1960s Footage Of The Grumman Lunar Rover Prototype – Weinermobile In Space? https://bangshift.com/bangshiftxl/bangshiftxl-truck-videos/neat-1960s-footage-of-the-grumman-lunar-rover-prototype/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=neat-1960s-footage-of-the-grumman-lunar-rover-prototype https://bangshift.com/bangshiftxl/bangshiftxl-truck-videos/neat-1960s-footage-of-the-grumman-lunar-rover-prototype/#respond Thu, 14 Mar 2024 08:22:04 +0000 https://bangshift.com/?p=876405 The last missions of the Apollo program over the course of 1971-1972 are largely forgotten by many people and that’s kind of crummy. Lots of neat stuff was done on those trips to the moon and perhaps most notably from the gearhead perspective, the lunar rover was deployed and used. Now, history tells us that […]

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The last missions of the Apollo program over the course of 1971-1972 are largely forgotten by many people and that’s kind of crummy. Lots of neat stuff was done on those trips to the moon and perhaps most notably from the gearhead perspective, the lunar rover was deployed and used. Now, history tells us that the design which made tracks on the lunar surface was kind of a big, open, golf cart looking thing. That was the design that won, but what about the other candidates? Well here’s one below that we had never seen until today.

Built by Grumman, this articulating, battery powered, half a weinermobile looking thing with spring wheels, and a shocking amount of size, is awesome. Obviously the thing was way too large and heavy to be transported in one shot, right? Well, that’s the interesting part. Before the compact and lightweight design of the rover was created NASA was contemplating launches where TWO Saturn V rockets would be used on the same mission because of the payload capacity needed. That idea was scrapped, likely when people quick drinking at breakfast.

This is a really interesting look at a vehicle we never knew existed. So big, so cool, so weird looking!

Press play below to see this awesome mobility test of a Grumman lunar rover prototype –

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A Dakota By Any Other Name: The 1998 Dodge Durango Got Chrysler Into The SUV Game On Solid Footing https://bangshift.com/bangshiftxl/bangshiftxl-truck-videos/1998-dodge-durango-got-chrysler-into-the-suv-game-on-solid-footing/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=1998-dodge-durango-got-chrysler-into-the-suv-game-on-solid-footing https://bangshift.com/bangshiftxl/bangshiftxl-truck-videos/1998-dodge-durango-got-chrysler-into-the-suv-game-on-solid-footing/#respond Mon, 12 Feb 2024 09:57:31 +0000 https://bangshift.com/?p=865417 We often bemoan the fact that SUVs (now crossovers) dominate the sales landscape in the American automotive market, but the reality is that people buy what they want and since the 1990s they have wanted SUVs. Dodge was pretty late to the game when it comes to the SUV marketplace, dropping the Durango in 1998 […]

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We often bemoan the fact that SUVs (now crossovers) dominate the sales landscape in the American automotive market, but the reality is that people buy what they want and since the 1990s they have wanted SUVs. Dodge was pretty late to the game when it comes to the SUV marketplace, dropping the Durango in 1998 but when they came in, they came in hot and the Durango name still lives today, albeit in a very different form. As is usually the case with anything Chrysler is involved with, they got crafty and creative to get this thing to market without breaking the bank. The Durango was mechanically identical to the Dakota trucks of the day. Windshield forward they all shared the same panels. Inside the dash and front driver’s area was all Dakota with the rest of the rig coming from the mind’s eye of the design team. This was a smart play that worked.

The Dodge “mini-big rig” styling which had revamped the truck market in 1994 was still highly popular and we’d venture to say that the Durango was not just the best looking but also the coolest SUV on the market when it first came out. While this truck that’s tested had a 318 in it, the 360 was available and those things moved out really well for the time.

The Durango nameplate is one we like here at BangShift, having just driven the 392 powered version of the modern rendition a few weeks back. It’s a long way from this guy but the legacy had to start somewhere and this video pinpoints the beginning.

Press play below to see this 1998 review of the then new Dodge Durango –

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The Snowmobile Wrecker Is The Coolest Thing Canada Has Made Since Maple Syrup https://bangshift.com/bangshiftxl/bangshiftxl-truck-news/the-snowmobile-wrecker-is-the-coolest-thing-canada/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-snowmobile-wrecker-is-the-coolest-thing-canada https://bangshift.com/bangshiftxl/bangshiftxl-truck-news/the-snowmobile-wrecker-is-the-coolest-thing-canada/#respond Fri, 09 Feb 2024 09:16:53 +0000 https://bangshift.com/?p=854946 We’ve got to thank Brian Frieburg for sending us the images of this incredible snowmobile wrecker that was built from scratch up in Canada. We only really know the fact that this machine exists in Northern Ontario. After that? Well after that we’re just reveling in the fabrication, the layout, the functionality, and how much […]

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We’ve got to thank Brian Frieburg for sending us the images of this incredible snowmobile wrecker that was built from scratch up in Canada. We only really know the fact that this machine exists in Northern Ontario. After that? Well after that we’re just reveling in the fabrication, the layout, the functionality, and how much money this rig could potentially make. Built as a smaller version of a typical rotator wrecker, this thing can pluck a sled out of the snow, plop it down on the back of an accompanying rescue sled and trailer, and haul it right back to civilization to be fixed.

Between the cab, the cargo style bed, and the crane, you are looking at some serious fabrication and building skills. It doesn’t look weird, it looks perfect and like it should be mass produced for areas where snowmobile life is either big for recreation or necessity.

If you do not live in a cold weather area, it may shock you to know that there are thousands and thousands of people every weekend who travel into the wilderness to go trail riding or even trail braking on their snow machines. It’s a whole culture like those with dirt bikes and ATVs. This thing could really be a life saver in the event someone gets into big mechanical and cannot recover their sled on their own.

We want to drive this so bad!

Check out these images of the Canadian snowmobile rotator wrecker – How awesome?!

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Hot Hot Heat: Watch These Centrifugal Clutches Pushed To The Failure Point In Slow Motion! https://bangshift.com/bangshiftxl/bangshiftxl-truck-videos/centrifugal-clutches-pushed-to-the-failure-point-in-slow-motion/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=centrifugal-clutches-pushed-to-the-failure-point-in-slow-motion https://bangshift.com/bangshiftxl/bangshiftxl-truck-videos/centrifugal-clutches-pushed-to-the-failure-point-in-slow-motion/#respond Thu, 08 Feb 2024 09:32:57 +0000 https://bangshift.com/?p=858290 This is a cool video and not just destruction for the point of destruction. There’s an education element here. Of course the humble little centrifugal clutch has been the method of getting everything from chainsaws and go karts to top fuelers moving over the years. It’s not a hard principle to comprehend, right? Weights fly […]

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This is a cool video and not just destruction for the point of destruction. There’s an education element here. Of course the humble little centrifugal clutch has been the method of getting everything from chainsaws and go karts to top fuelers moving over the years. It’s not a hard principle to comprehend, right? Weights fly out when spun, they contact the body of the clutch, and that causes the whole thing to kind of lock up and spin, transferring power to the axle, usually by way of a chain. In this video we see this motion taken to the extreme.

Effectively the axle that the clutch is trying to spin has been locked, so the clutch does its job but is unable to actually spin. This causes incredible heat to be built up as the weights try like hell to grab the body and turn it. You’ll see two different styles of clutches used and abused here. The first is more typical of a go kart with individual weights gathered witch a circular spring. The second is a smaller unit that uses a cross spring like one would find in a drum brake.

The super slow motion video work here is neat, as is the failure point of the clutch.

Press play below to see this centrifugal clutch get pushed to the failure point –

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Cool Old Press Photos: Here’s The Introduction For The ’57 Ford C-Series Cab-Over Truck – They Built These Until 1990! https://bangshift.com/general-news/introduction-for-the-57-ford-c-series-cab-over-truck/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=introduction-for-the-57-ford-c-series-cab-over-truck https://bangshift.com/general-news/introduction-for-the-57-ford-c-series-cab-over-truck/#respond Thu, 25 Jan 2024 11:11:00 +0000 http://bangshift.com/new/cool-old-press-photos-57-ford-cab-over-truck.html We’re truck freaks, so when we saw this photo and release in our pile of goodies we had to share it for a few reasons. It’s cool as hell being the major one. Ford produced this style of cab-over truck for a long time. The introductory year was 1957, but these trucks soldiered on with […]

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We’re truck freaks, so when we saw this photo and release in our pile of goodies we had to share it for a few reasons. It’s cool as hell being the major one.

Ford produced this style of cab-over truck for a long time. The introductory year was 1957, but these trucks soldiered on with very few styling adjustments until freaking 1990! The look is cool with its forward-control design and a seeming factory chop of the roofline. These guys look really good hauling a big trailer down the road.

As far as operating them however, that’s a different deal altogether. From personal experience we can say that they are cramped, hotter than hell, and after a day in one you think you’ve spent time in a torture chamber. Modern commercial trucks are light years ahead in comfort, but these brutes still have some kind of weird allure.

Due to the cab-over design, the trucks had shorter wheelbase options and would out turn just about every other offering from the competition. Engine options? There wasn’t a diesel in the bunch. All the optional powerplants were gasoline-burning Y-block variants. The truck in the photo was equipped with a 332 incher making a whopping 212 hp. You had to drive these trucks to get the most out of them.

You truckers can thank the heavens for the comparative luxury you roll in today!

'57 Ford cabover

'57 Ford cabover press release

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Awesome Video: How To Haul A Steam Locomotive Through London And Park It In A Museum Circa 1961 https://bangshift.com/bangshiftxl/bangshiftxl-truck-videos/how-to-haul-a-steam-locomotive-through-london/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-haul-a-steam-locomotive-through-london https://bangshift.com/bangshiftxl/bangshiftxl-truck-videos/how-to-haul-a-steam-locomotive-through-london/#respond Tue, 16 Jan 2024 10:09:30 +0000 https://bangshift.com/?p=825756 This is a really cool video, especially for you fans of heavy hauling and big trucks. We’re going to watch a massive steam locomotive and its tender gate hauled from the rails straight into a museum through the streets of London in 1961. The trucks are Scammel Junior Constructor models, the company is Pickford’s and […]

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This is a really cool video, especially for you fans of heavy hauling and big trucks. We’re going to watch a massive steam locomotive and its tender gate hauled from the rails straight into a museum through the streets of London in 1961. The trucks are Scammel Junior Constructor models, the company is Pickford’s and this whole thing rules as hard as you think it does.

In specifics this video tells the story of moving Great Western steam locomotive 4073 “Caerphilly Castle” from Park Royal, Swindon to Kensington Science Museum. The Swindon rail yards were the scene of some awesome stuff over the years. Arguably the finest steam engines in the world were built and serviced there for many decades. Thousands and thousands of British laborers and craftsmen called Swindon home for their work through the steam age.

Scammel trucks are some of our personal favorites out here. They made lots of neat stuff but the heavy duty Constructors and Junior Constructors stand out. The rigs used here are Scammel Junior Constructors and they’re powered by interesting Leyland 680 engines. These are lay down inline six engines. Think a slant six but completely on its side. They made 150hp but the torque was immense. Backed by a six speed transmission, they were more than capable of dragging this behemoth through the streets of London.

We love the trailer with “rear steer” which consists of a couple guys standing on the tail of the trailer with what looks to be a ship’s wheel and while we’re not sure how much angle they could get out of those rear axles, the ratio of busting ass vs turning seems pretty bad.

Pickfords is one of the oldest companies in England having been started in the 1700s and still existing today. Obviously there have been ownership and other changes but they are still in the business of moving stuff. Pretty awesome.

Watching them winch this thing into the museum is the payoff and it’s all fantastic. Well done Brits!

Press play to see this film on how to haul a locomotive and park it in a museum!

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Fun Propaganda: 1974 Film Touting The Supremacy Of Chevy Trucks Over Fords Uses Some Wacky Tests https://bangshift.com/bangshiftxl/bangshiftxl-truck-videos/1974-film-touting-the-supremacy-of-chevy-trucks-over-fords/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=1974-film-touting-the-supremacy-of-chevy-trucks-over-fords https://bangshift.com/bangshiftxl/bangshiftxl-truck-videos/1974-film-touting-the-supremacy-of-chevy-trucks-over-fords/#respond Mon, 15 Jan 2024 09:19:25 +0000 https://bangshift.com/?p=826241 Automakers have been creating promotional sales videos since the advent of the moving picture, right? To us, they are great because even in the darkest of times, they were all talking about how fantasticly grand their products were. Now the 1970s was not a bad time for trucks. It may have sucked for cars, but […]

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Automakers have been creating promotional sales videos since the advent of the moving picture, right? To us, they are great because even in the darkest of times, they were all talking about how fantasticly grand their products were. Now the 1970s was not a bad time for trucks.

It may have sucked for cars, but trucks did not suffer as bad as the cars did for a multitude of reasons. They were chasing a different customer base, they were not “performance” vehicles, and the government standards did not set them back as far as the cars did.

This film, likely made in 1973 to promote the awesomeness of the 1974 Chevrolet truck line over the compared Ford trucks is great. It is filled with the kinds of wacky tests that make little sense to anyone outside of the marketing department. Strap a big snifter looking thing to the hood of the truck, put ping pong balls in it and drive around? Yes!

Lift both of the trucks into a wheelie with a crane and look at the front suspension? Not just yes, Hell yes! Talk about the engines and pretend like they’re muscle bound beasts? Oh, you know we will! Perform a bizarre test of illuminating light bulbs for a period of time to show how much better the factory installed battery is? Brilliant Mr. Edison!

The truck war rages on today with more spit polish on the promotions. We miss these down and dirty ones.

Press play below to see this 1970s Chevy trucks propaganda film –

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Carnage Replacement: Check Out The Replacement Of An Exploded Transfer Case In A Dodge Truck, Wild! https://bangshift.com/general-news/the-replacement-of-an-exploded-transfer-case-in-a-dodge-truck/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-replacement-of-an-exploded-transfer-case-in-a-dodge-truck Wed, 20 Dec 2023 09:20:40 +0000 https://bangshift.com/?p=903911 This is one of those videos where you see the problem and just are dying to know what happened. You’re about to watch an under-truck view of a transfer case replacement in a full size Dodge truck. That sounds pretty boring until you see the fact that the one in the truck has exploded, blowing […]

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This is one of those videos where you see the problem and just are dying to know what happened. You’re about to watch an under-truck view of a transfer case replacement in a full size Dodge truck. That sounds pretty boring until you see the fact that the one in the truck has exploded, blowing the case apart and sending the massive chain inside swinging around to destroy anything and everything it could come into contact with. From the description, it nearly beat its way through the floor.

The added complexity of this job is not just the fact that all the junk is blown up and broken but the fact that the chain also wiped out the wiring harness headed to the back of the truck so after the nut and bolt work is done, the electrical fun can begin.

We know that one of the reasons most four wheel drive trucks are limited to like 96 mph from the factory is because of the transfer cases that they use and the fact that high speeds can cause major league failures. We’re not saying that this guy was roaring down the road at 120 when things got unhappy but good gravy, this is a nasty one!

Press play below to see this extremely wrecked transfer case in a Dodge get replaced –

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