Category Archive: 1320 Gallery, 1320 Spotlight, Apex Gallery, BangShift 1320, BangShift Galleries, Event Coverage, Gallery, Historic Photos, Shop Tours, XL Spotlight

An East Coasters Tour Of So Cal Hot Rodding History: Part 2 – Mooneyes Shop Tour Photos From Joe Grippo.

(Words and Photos by Joe Grippo) The next few stops on our East Coasters Tour of Southern California Hot Rod Shops took us to some legendary locations. First up on this day was Blairs Speed Shop in...

An East Coasters Tour Of So Cal Hot Rodding History: Mooneyes Shop Tour Photos From Joe Grippo.

(Words and Photos by Joe Grippo) The next few stops on our East Coasters Tour of Southern California Hot Rod Shops took us to some legendary locations. First up on this day was Blairs Speed Shop in...

More Mooneyes Open House 2022 Photos From Santa Fe Springs: Rods, Customs, And Race Cars

We always dig the Mooneyes Open House, because it is a SoCal staple and unlike most any other automotive event you are going to find. It’s different because Mooneyes is a MUCH smaller place than...

The Mooneyes Open House 2022: We’ve Got Photos Of All The Fun Stuff

We always dig the Mooneyes Open House, because it is a SoCal staple and unlike most any other automotive event you are going to find. It’s different because Mooneyes is a MUCH smaller place...

Bruce Larson’s Dragfest: Photos From The Drag Racing Event That Is Part Open House, Part Car Show, And Part Bench Racing

The official end to the racing season out here in Pennsylvania happens on the second Saturday each November, that is when former NHRA Funny Car Champion Bruce Larson hosts his annual DragFest at his...

Junkyard Tour, Race Cars, Hot Rods, Trucks, And More Cool Stuff From Fleming’s Pumpkin Run

(Photos by Joe Grippo) If you missed our previous photos from Fleming’s show, then click the link below to see them too. This is a great photo gallery of awesome stuff that we really can’t wait...

The Small Shop With The Big Secrets: We Return To Short Street Rod Shop For A New Look-Around!

Four years ago, after I shot a feature on a 1964 Rambler that had been converted to a straight-axle car, I was invited out to a small garage in the middle of Kentucky. I was told that there were a...

Shop Tour: Vintage Planet – A Treasure Vault Well-Hidden In The Hills!

As Curt Lair and I pulled up to a nondescript building sitting in the middle of some hills in central Tennessee, you could’ve convinced me that I was going to see anything else inside. A cube...

Incredible Photos: We Tour 3Dog Garage – Is This America’s Greatest Car Collection?

(Words and photos by Joe Grippo) –A few weeks back I was fortunate to able to tour one of the most incredible private car collections anywhere in the world. Maybe you think that is hyperbole...

Road Trippin’: Stumbling Into The Home Of An Iconic Automotive Brand While Cruising Vermont

(Words and photos by Greg Rourke)- While heading out to the right coast for a vacation we decided to get off the Interstate and head through Vermont and New Hampshire on some two lane roads through...

Open House At Walden Speed Shop – Art, Tradition & Metal Shaping!

(Photos and words by Darr Hawthorne) – For over fifty years, the Los Angeles Roadster Show has been a Southern California tradition as a showcase for new car builds, a chance to show off your...

KingSpeed Race And Repair Open House: Food And Friends Before The Races!

KingSpeed Race and Repair is such an unassuming building most of the time. There’s a sign out front, there might be a truck or two within sight, but overall you wouldn’t expect to see a...

BangShift Winter Shop Tour Series: Schwartz Performance Shop Visit

(Words and photos by Bob Chiluk) – Some parts of the country are lucky enough to enjoy their cars all year round while the rest of us are locked in waiting for the ice to melt and the snow to...

Cornfield Customs: Our Tour Of The Shop Continues – Cool Stuff Everywhere

(Words and photos by Doug Gregory) – But there’s more….   There was no way to contain our visit to Cornfield Customs into just one article.  Even though they are still getting things...