
the car junkie daily magazine.


Desktop Build: A Detailed Build Of A ’77 Dodge Warlock Model Kit

Desktop Build: A Detailed Build Of A ’77 Dodge Warlock Model Kit

How long has it been since you put a model kit together? We’re talking paint, cement, the whole nine yards. My last one I built in 2017, the MPC “Fuzz Duster” 1980 Plymouth Volaré Road Runner kit. I laid down a color close to Sherwood Green, cut out the T-tops, left the interior white, and did my best with the chrome detailing work. After hitting up a hobby shop for a set of Ansen-style slot mags, the project was done. Recently, however, my wife found a hobby shop that specializes in collectible model kits and other automotive toy items, like 1:18-scale models and dealership models, and I’ve found myself with the itch to put another kit together. But what kit should that be? The last time I really went model shopping, the cars I really want to build (the “Force 440” Monaco, 1974-77 Camaro, 1970 Pontiac Bonneville “pickup) cost coin and are as common as a diamond in my back yard.

MPC, through Round 2, are bringing back some classics, my “Fuzz Duster” being one of them. In this video, you’ll see another: the 1977 Dodge Warlock. Based on the W100 stepside and packing anything from the E58 360 through the last of the 440s, the Warlock was part of Dodge’s eye-raisingly named “Adult Toys” line of factory-custom vehicles. Basically, it was a four-wheel-drive L’il Red Truck, but with engine options, a few more colors, and no exhaust stacks. What’s not to like?

From opening the box until the truck is completely finished, follow along. I’m not responsible if you smell like Testors within a few days. That’s all on you.

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