Murder Nova Burnout Truck – Build Series Part 1: Tearing Down This ’81 C10 and Seeing What’s Hiding And Making Game Plan

Murder Nova Burnout Truck – Build Series Part 1: Tearing Down This ’81 C10 and Seeing What’s Hiding And Making Game Plan

It sure ain’t pretty! But that’s okay, because Shawn and the gang are going to blow this thing all apart to make it a little bit prettier before turning their attention to making this the baddest tire smoking machine on the planet. It’s time to build a burnout truck and that’s just what they are going to do. But not before some real work has to happen and part of that is getting this thing up in the air so they can start taking it apart and seeing what is going to need to be done to add some pretty back into the mix.

Don’t worry, after that this thing is going to be getting all the go fast goodies it needs to successfully spin the tires at eleventy thousand miles per hour in pursuit of all the smoke and tire blowing applause. I mean what could possibly go wrong?


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