Category Archive: Apex Driveline Tech, BangShift APEX

Project Possum Update: Wilwood Brakes Get Added – Out With The Drums And In With The Discs!

(Words and photos by Kaleb Kelley) – I know it has been awhile since I’ve given everybody an update on my 1973 Plymouth Scamp, A.K.A. Project Possum. Life kind of got in the way as it...

G-body 8.8 Swap: Something Strange is Happening in Our Rear and We Like It – Axle Tech You Can Use!

(WORDS AND PHOTOS BY SCOTT PARKER) – If you didn’t know it already, the bad news about your G-body is that most likely it has one of the worst rear ends GM ever built. Only the Grand...

Crazy Photos: The Most Insanely Used Up Brake Rotor in the History of Mankind

(Photos by Jay Spinella) – Admittedly, when I got these photos from Jay Spinella on Saturday, I had imbibed a few adult beverages, so you’ll understand when I was wondering what in the...

The BangShift C7 Corvette Dissection: Into The Mortally Wounded LT Engine

      (Words and photos by Dave Matyjasik) – (Editor’s note – Yesterday we started what will be a multi-part series on the dissection and reassembly of a C7 Corvette...