Category Archive: 1320 Engine Tech, 1320 Tech Story, BangShift 1320
Chad Talks Clevite Bearing Tech With Mahle’s Bill McKnight
May 19, 2015Brian LohnesComments Off on Chad Talks Clevite Bearing Tech With Mahle’s Bill McKnight
There are few names that garner more respect in their given part of the aftermarket than Clevite. The brand has been around for decades upon decades and the main reason is that the quality associated...
Buford T Justice Engine Build Project: The Parts That’ll Make Our Fat Boy Run
Mar 03, 2015Brian Lohnes15
So last week I told you about the plan to really crank the wick up on our Buford T Justice Caprice by building a 388ci stroker small block for the car. For those of you playing at home, a 388 is a...
Tech Video: Moroso Shows You How To Check Oil Pump Pickup To Pan Clearance Like Pro Engine Builders Do It
Dec 09, 2014Brian LohnesComments Off on Tech Video: Moroso Shows You How To Check Oil Pump Pickup To Pan Clearance Like Pro Engine Builders Do It
The crew at Moroso has produced a neat technical video that shows a couple of ways to properly check oil pump pickup to pan clearance when building an engine. This is a very important measurement...
What’s It Take To Run 6.16 In A Street Truck? Look Inside The ProLine Racing Engine That Propelled Larson On Drag Week 2014
Sep 18, 2014Chad Reynolds19
When Larry Larson and I decided we were going after a 6th Hot Rod Drag Week Title for him in 2014, we also wanted to be the quickest and fastest street car in history. And while Andy Frost’s...
Mad Science! A Drag Racer Sliced And Diced A Pair Of LS Heads, Stuck Them Together And Mounted Them On A Ford Inline Six
Feb 15, 2014Brian Lohnes42
Now this is really something! A short while back, a thread popped up in the BangShift forums about a racer who had taken a pair of cathedral port LS Chevy cylinder heads, shortened them by one hole a...