Facebook Find: This 1965 C10 Is A Bitchin Low Mile California Survivor, Slammed With Ridetech Suspension, And Ready To Road Trip

Some folks aren’t into hard core patina’d rides like the rest of us, but can absolutely appreciate a low mileage survivor that has a couple small blemishes in the shine, especially when...

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New Junkyard Inventory: A Farm Fresh 1953 Chevy 1 1/2 ton flatbed truck! This One Is Solid and Straight!

We’ve got more great junkyard inventory right here, and if you are a Chevy truck fan, then this one is for you. Chad at Nobody Elses Auto has a ton of great trucks in the yard, and if you are into...

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If you are into Jeeps, then the Easter Jeep Safari in Moab Utah is like Mecca and if you haven’t been you’ll be blown away by how many folks head into town for the event. It’s like...

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Clutch Tech: RebelDryver Scott Is Replacing The Clutch On His 515 HP 1965 Impala SS with a T-56 6 speed AGAIN!

Scott is a longtime stick shift guy, who has done tons of stick shift swaps and has daily driven stick cars for years. So when he made a small mistake on the install of his McLeod RXT clutch during a...

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Whenever I hear people talking about how hard it is to find C10s, Squarebodies, and OBS trucks, it makes me shake my head because they are out there and plentiful. You have to remember, GM built...

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Fabrication How-To: Building Custom Seat Brackets For An Old Truck With Dirthead Dave and Mom’s Spaghetti

When I see Dave wheeling Mom’s Spaghetti, his full-size Ford, it makes me smile. I mean I’m a Chevrolet guy so I’d probably choose some other body style, but this thing is dead...

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Modern Tech With Classic Style: How to modify a Jeep Wrangler Frame for a Scout Body With Ian Johnson’s Big Tire Garage.

For decades, off-roaders have been building new suspension systems under old rigs, and have been doing engine swaps as well. And in the hot rodding world folks have been doing the same thing, but...

It’s Y-Block Day! Happy 3/12 To Ford Fans Everywhere – Let’s Look Back At The Ford 312 V8

When Ford needed a follow up to the venerable flathead V8 they knew it had to be good and it had to be tough. The replacement was the famed “Y-block” series of engines and they did a...

Super Duty Video: Butler Performance Rebuilt This 455 Super Duty Pontiac – How Much Power Did It Make? Find Out!

The Pontiac 455 Super Duty is one of the greatest engines that Detroit ever produced. It was a victim of the era in which it was born and had the thing come along a few years earlier there’s no...

Video Fun: Multiple Engine Miniature Pulling Tractors Hauling The Sled Put On A Great Show

Back before the world of video gaming, miniature racing was the real hardcore alternative to full-sized competition. High end remote control cars and boats are still raced by hardcore RC fans and...

Awesome Video: In 1989 Testing A Cutting Edge Bigfoot Monster Truck Meant Jumping It Over Parking Lot Curbs

Every motorsport on Earth evolves, that’s basically the hallmark of anything that is technology driven, right? Indy cars went from basically being horse carts with powerful engines to the...

The American Powertrain Monday Shift: Frame Twisting, Gear Jamming, Big Rig Torque – In-Truck Video!

No, there’s nothing wrong with the angle of the picture here. There’s no problem with the person holding the camera. The only “problem” is that this big rig is making so much...

Watch This Mini Unlimited Tractor Suffer A Wild Hook And A Grinding Stop In Europe

We have told you time and time again that the pulling scene in Europe is hardcore. These guys and girls love this stuff as much as anyone in the USA does and they compete just as hard. When anyone in...

Lone Star Throwdown 2024: Trucks, Trucks, and More Trucks! We’ve Still Got Tons of Photos to Share!

If you love trucks, you are going to love our next round of photos from LST! And if you missed the previous photos we’ve got a link below to check them out too. (Words and Photos by Chad...

Facebook 5.3 LS Build: Part 8 – Finishing The Heads And Installing Them To Button Up The Long Block!

Here’s Part 8 of the Facebook 5.3 LS build that Powell is doing. If you missed the first seven videos in this build, use the link below to check them out too. In this one he’s doing the final...

New Products: Rocket Racing Flare Wheels For Your Modern And Vintage Muscle Cars And Trucks

Looking for some new wheels to spice up your classic or modern muscle car, but don’t want something so modern that it looks out of place? These new Flare wheels from Rocket Racing Wheels have...

How ACCURATE can someone build a WELDING FIXTURE TABLE, only using a grinder and a welder?

No really, this is totally a thing now! We live in 2024, and if you haven’t been paying attention to services like SendCutSend, OSH Cut, Xometry, or the numerous other online CNC Laser,...

Nitro Video: Watch This Hillclimbing Triumph T140 Thunder Up A Stepped Slope

We often think of nitromethane as only being a drag racing fuel but that is really, really wrong. Motorcycle guys love to burn nitro in various different disciplines of competition. In this video...

Here’s Mud In Your Eye! Watch This Compilation of Crazy Mud Bog Runs and Wrecks From The 1980s

With the explosion in popularity of monster trucks in the 1980s, other motorsports in that genre of competition were also uplifted. One of those sports was mud bog racing. It was the simple fact that...

Old Caterpillar Video: This Introduction Film Of The Caterpillar 944 Wheel Loader From The 1950s Is Awesome

We take lots of stuff for granted today when we see it. Machines and operations that have seemingly been around since tim first began. The fact of the matter is that everything we do as human beings...