This Caterpillar Promotional Film From The 1926 Is Spectacular

This Caterpillar Promotional Film From The 1926 Is Spectacular

We have shown you plenty of videos of old Walter Snow Fighter trucks ramming into snow banks over the years and making inches of progress but this is the first time we have been able to dig up that shows the incredible benefit that tracked crawler machined brought to the table at about the same time. We have no idea why tracked snow moving equipment never became more popular although it may have had to do with the initial buy in of the machines and speed at which they operate but this is about 10-total minutes of snow domination by ancient Caterpillar tractors. They show machines with V-plows funneling snow out of the way that has to be 6-7 feet deep along with Caterpillars with one way plows clearing the roads, the tractors with the rotary plows are personal favorites though!

One thing that we loved is the clip in the second part of the film that has the Caterpillar Thirty crawler with what’s essentially a big snow blower loading the prehistoric dump truck to clear city streets. So cool! People were far tougher back then. When you see the scenes of the folks out and about in white-out blizzards and not really seeming to be phased and then contrast that against some of the horrible snow disasters that have happened over the last few years triggered by ineptitude, it is kind of a sad look at the modern world. These people gutted it out, figured it out, and made it happen on their own. These old iron giants seemed equipped to handle anything that Mother Nature could lay down in front of them. The video is fantastic!

Watch these old Caterpillar dozers dominate the snow circa 1926



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