Exploring Thailand’s Drag Racing Culture With 1320Video: We’re Talking 7 Second 4-cylinder Diesel Pickups!

Exploring Thailand’s Drag Racing Culture With 1320Video: We’re Talking 7 Second 4-cylinder Diesel Pickups!

In the last video that we shared of 1320Video’s adventures in Thailand, they showed all kinds of crazy fun show trucks, but also gave us a glimpse of the insane drag racing action that goes on there. Their dragstrips are a spectacle in themselves, with stadium style seating, big music, and all kinds of spectators. But the racing action is something truly special. And while they do have different types of cars and trucks that race there, the 4 cylinder diesel drag racing is some of the most competitive. These mini pickups are as serious as any American drag car and take things to extremes that Kyle and the gang really weren’t expecting and we’ve certainly never seen.

Check out the action in the video below and let us know what you think.

Video Description:

Over 30 hours of travel and we’re in Bangkok to film 8 second diesel trucks! Whats crazy is that these trucks are running 8’s with tiny 4 cylinder diesel engines and their doing it on a track with virtually no prep on it. Drag Racing in Southeast Asia is very different than it is in the U.S. and we we’re not expecting it one bit!

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