Coming off of the 2018 PRI show, I keyed in on a couple of things. The first is that there are an incredible number of businesses that are based around precision and creative machining. They have access to and employ technology that was barely accessible to governments and defense contractors not that long ago. It has allowed the world of hot rodding and racing to evolve and advance at a rate we’re not sure anyone could have ever predicted. Billet blocks, amazingly creative cylinder heads, suspension pieces and parts that old F1 racers would kill for, and loads of scratch built stuff that went from a brilliant mind to reality in no time flat.
Through the history of hot rodding and racing there have been a select few individuals that made impacts far beyond what others did. They often made these impacts while using hand operated tools and doing things in a way that would blow the minds of today’s machinists and fabricators. The Harry Miller’s of the world, the Mickey Thompsons of the world, the Art Arfons of the world, and the list goes on and on and on.
What epic racing or hot rodding hero would you like to see in today’s world with today’s technology at their disposal. We threw some examples down below but we know that those of you out there that love this junk will have hundreds more of us to consider.
Harold Arminius Miller (December 9, 1875 – May 3, 1943)
I wasn’t careful and I learned something.
Sneaky Peat
another vote for Smokey Yunick, he would blow minds
second choice: Zora Arkus -Duntov
Yeah man
Bob Glidden, Dale Armstrong, Smokey Yunick and Steve Evans
Mickey Thompson
Micky Thompson.
If Smokey was to come back no sanctioning body would let home in the stands let alone be a competitor.
Red Greth
Frederick and August Duesenberg .
Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun .
Garlits is Playing with Electric Dragsters…
if Tesla and Elon got behind him … 300 mph easy
Artie Arfons
Bill Jenkins, Ben Franklin
Smokey and or Mickey. They achieved so much it was as if they never slept.