
the car junkie daily magazine.


Category Archive: LAND SPEED RACES, OTHER, Project Cars

The Most Amazing Automotive Metal Working Project In America Is The Recreation Of An Ill-Fated 1939 Porsche Racer In A Old North Carolina VFW Hall

There are few things that impress us more than metal craftsmanship and we have never seen, nor will we probably ever see again (in person) the level of artistry and incredible talent that we saw this...

Project Update: The Chicken Coupe – Body Is Off The Frame, Trans Is Mocked In, Progress Is Made, Diablo Sandwiches Are Consumed

(Words and photos by Matt Graves) – Sorry for the long dry spell on the Chicken Coupe update. I can’t let Brian steal the spot light this week with his half-assed Buford T Justice update...

The Smallest Project We’ve Ever Covered: Here’s The Mini-Max – A Scale Model With A Twist

Readers of BangShift know the name Mike Casella from his awesome work at Then and Now Automotive in Weymouth, Massachusetts. Mike is the guy who makes stuff from scratch and saves unobtanium parts...

Project Update: The Chicken Coupe Cadillac Gets A Revealing Roof Peel and The Work Mounts

The Chicken Coupe Project Intro The Chicken Coupe Tear Down  (Words and Photos by Matt Graves) – Meanwhile back at Chicken Coupe HQ… Last time we ripped out the pimp-tackular interior...

Project Update: The Pro-Lux 1982 Cadillac Chicken Coupe Gets Torn Town and Sized Up

(Words and Photos by Matt Graves) – Last we left you, the 1982 Cadillac project known as the Chicken Coupe was dropped on your lap with a rendering and a couple photos of the actual car that...

BangShift Project Spotlight: The Unholy Union of a Caddy V6 and a Fiat Spyder

BangShift member Aaron had a problem. He was arguing with his wife about fuel efficiency and how a light car with a modern engine could perform at a high level (50 mpg) and that electric hybrids...

Project Car Update: Detroit Speed builds a big tire Willys!

UPDATE: Click here to go straight to our latest update. We couldn’t believe it either! And this one is no April Fools joke. Detroit Speed is currently building a 1941 Willys for Mike and Janie...

BangShift Project Spotlight: An Awesome Home-Built V8 RX7 That Hauls Ass

There’s nothing quite like seeing a guy build a killer project at home with his own two hands. BangShift member Weedburner has constructed one of the neatest RX7 V8 conversions we’ve ever...

Cool Project Thread: Tearing Down an Air Cooled Stroker VW Motor

BangShift member Stiney has a bunch of cool stuff lurking in his barn, including a Fox-bodied Mustang with a 500ci Cadillac engine in it. His real affliction though, seems to be VWs of the air-cooled...

Project Car Spotlight: A 538ci Cadillac Powered 1953 Studebaker Champion Starliner

This could be the coolest, most well executed car ever constructed under a car port ever. BangShift.com forum member 53 Studillac purchased a 1953 Studebaker Champion Starliner a few years back that...