Category Archive: Unhinged
Unhinged: Do You Want Lincoln To Die? Because This Is How Lincoln Will Die.
Aug 16, 2014Bryan McTaggart9
Lincoln has been on the verge of death for years, it’s no secret. The Navigator and fleet sales of the Town Car kept things afloat, but when the Town Car got axed a couple of years back,...
Throwback Thursday: McTaggart’s First Automotive Photo Shoot….On The Wrong Side Of The Lens
Aug 14, 2014Bryan McTaggart1
(Photos by French) Throwback Thursday has permeated my Facebook for a while now. While it can be irritating when a family member puts up a picture of you without warning, sometimes it’s pretty...
Unhinged: I’m Gonna Get An Airline Ticket, Head To Britain, And Tell Neil Lyndon How Far To Cram It
Aug 11, 2014Bryan McTaggart9
Jalopnik is one of my most read RSS feeds, and for good reason: while they are on an entirely different wavelength that I am, they are just as geeked about cars as I am. I don’t agree on...
Unhinged: A Car I Should Love, But Would Hate To Live With
Aug 05, 2014Bryan McTaggart18
I spend my days either doing basic and mundane taskings around the house, researching and writing stories to keep the bosses happy, or I’m busy running around the house trying to control two...
Unhinged: McTaggart Decides To Investigate Lawn Mower Demolition Derby
Aug 02, 2014Bryan McTaggart2
I’m sitting at the computer, near midnight, digesting fair food (read: funnel cake, overly sweet tea and deep-fried Snickers…don’t you judge me!) and I’m trying to make sense...
Unhinged: 50 Shades Of Gray
Aug 01, 2014Bryan McTaggart11
The color of a car can mean everything or nothing all at once. A red car might mean fun, performance or a reason for the local constable to pull you over. A black car might look luxurious or...
Unhinged: Dirt, Noise, And Fire, All In The Same Package
Jul 21, 2014Bryan McTaggart1
Technically, my trip to the NTPA truck pull in Chapel Hill, Tennessee this weekend was my second truck pull, however it is the first one I’ve been to where I’ve actually seen the...