DIY Wheel Painting Tech: How To Paint Your Wheels For Cheap, But With Professional Results!

DIY Wheel Painting Tech: How To Paint Your Wheels For Cheap, But With Professional Results!

While paint has changed a ton in the last 20 years, it is still intimidating to paint certain parts for your project car or truck. Frames and suspension parts are generally no big deal, whether you rattle can them, brush them, or have them powder coated, there are lots of options. And because they are under the car you don’t worry about them being “perfect” I suppose. But when you are talking about wheels, that can be a bit intimidating. If you have a pair of steelies with hubcaps and trim rings, that just need a fresh coat of black or white, maybe not, but if you are going for a color, or on wheels that are going to stand out, it’s nerve wracking sometimes.

But the truth is that the products we have available to us for use at home, are insanely advanced compared to spray paint or professional paints even 10 years ago. That means that you can buy readily available products from a bunch of different sources and get really nice results, even on those fancy wheels. But there are some tips and tricks that will definitely help make the best results.

Check out Dirthead Dave Chappelle as he walks us through painting a set of Method bead lock wheels.

Video Description:

Sometimes you don’t have the time or money to send wheels out for powder coating. So what do you do? Dig into the old paint cabinet and get ready to do some work! On this episode of the Dirthead Shed Dave Chappelle goes through the process of prepping and painting an old set of Method beadlock wheels from start to finish.

Products used:

Poppys Glossed out clear coat…

Duplicolor Paint shop…

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