Category Archive: 1320 Tech Story, BangShift 1320

Shock Talk: We Get The Lowdown On Drag Shocks From The Experts At AFCO – The Basics You Need To Know Right Here!

Like everyone else we get pretty hung up on looking at horsepower when it comes to drag cars. After all, how can one not be blinded by the light of a twin turbo Proline big block or a massive 900+ ci...

Tech Video: Moroso Shows You How To Check Oil Pump Pickup To Pan Clearance Like Pro Engine Builders Do It

The crew at Moroso has produced a neat technical video that shows a couple of ways to properly check oil pump pickup to pan clearance when building an engine. This is a very important measurement...

DJ Safety Explains What It Takes To Keep Us, And The World’s Quickest Street Truck, Safe

When you go to the races, you see a lot of different manufacturers or parts. You can get an intake or wheel or tires or camshaft from any one of a dozen companies, at a variety of prices. The same...

What’s It Take To Run 6.16 In A Street Truck? Look Inside The ProLine Racing Engine That Propelled Larson On Drag Week 2014

When Larry Larson and I decided we were going after a 6th Hot Rod Drag Week Title for him in 2014, we also wanted to be the quickest and fastest street car in history. And while Andy Frost’s...

Road Trip Prep Tech: Freshening A Hot Rodded Corvette’s Cooling System And Charging System – Powermaster To The Rescue!

Some cars are born for road trips, and some cars don’t handle it so well. This is definitely put into perspective when you see hundreds of late model muscle cars partaking in the Hot Rod Power...

The BangShift C7 Corvette Dissection – Pulling Apart A Blown UP, Brand New Super Car For Fun And Profit

(Photos and captions by David Matyjasik) – We know him better as Dave Matty and so will you by the time this whole saga comes to a conclusion, but to say that this will be one of the neatest...

The Horrible Welding Continues! This is An Epidemic! More Globs Of Fail Inside

Yesterday, after running the blog item about the horrid welding job on the gas tank the guys at RideTech spotted, we sent our an APB asking for your photos of horrid welding jobs. The first guy to...

Quick Tech: How MSD’s TurboLuie Ran 8.22 At 169 In His Street Driven Mustang! And There’s More In It!

When Erik and the gang at MSD sent me the link to video of Luis Gutierrez’s 8.22 at 169 mph pass in his street driven Fox Body Mustang, I was impressed. Like a lot of good drag radial cars,...

Mad Science! A Drag Racer Sliced And Diced A Pair Of LS Heads, Stuck Them Together And Mounted Them On A Ford Inline Six

Now this is really something! A short while back, a thread popped up in the BangShift forums about a racer who had taken a pair of cathedral port LS Chevy cylinder heads, shortened them by one hole a...

A Cool G Part Deux: Our 383 LS Gets Boost And Makes Over 1000 Horsepower For The Street

By: Richard Holdener ( Back in part 1 we introduced Bangshifters to our Cool G 383 build up. What started out as a simple, iron-block 5.3L was quickly transformed into a 383 stroker by...

The BangShift Way To A Cool G: We’re Building A 1,000hp LS!

(By Richard Holdener (  The start of any build up should always begin with a goal. That said, the goal should be both realistic and achievable-blah, blah, blah, oh to hell with it,...

Destruction Photos: What Happens When A Big Aluminum Rod Fails At 10,000 RPM

Last Friday I had occasion to visit my friends Dana and Jon at Custom Automotive Machine in Weymouth, Massachusetts for a story on the nostalgia nitro funny car they have run successfully out of...