Category Archive: BangShift XL, XL Videos

Video: Proof That The King Of The Hammers 2014 Is The Most Bat Crap Nuts Off Road Race In The World

We linked you to the live stream of the 2014 King Of The Hammers event in Johnson Valley, California and have been telling you how full on crazy it is for years but this single clip may do more to...

Video Bonanza: The Sound And Fury Of Bad Ass Diesel Air Starters – Loud, Proud, And Scaring Old Ladies For Decades!

(Words by Greg Rourke) – Cranking over big diesel engines takes a lot of power.  Plants of 850 plus cubic inches and over 15:1 compression are common in semi trucks. Imagine trying to spin...

Cool Video: A Restored Brubaker Box Van Is Cool, Weird, And One Man’s Dream Car

If you have never seen a “Brubaker Box” or Automecca Sports Van, don’t be ashamed. These VW based vans were rare in their day and are virtually automotive unicorns today. There was...

Watch An Idiot Try To Extricate Himself And His Jeep From A Frozen Pond….In Someone’s Yard

The underlying message to take away from this video is that it was a miracle no one was killed in making it. The star of the show is a guy who drove a Jeep Wrangler out onto a frozen pond with no...

Mint 400 Race Preview Is The Most Intense Four Minutes Of Off Road Racing Video You’ll See

The famed Mint 400 off road race is coming in just a couple of weeks and this four minute preview for the event will have you on the edge of your seat the entire time. This is a reel of jumps, wheel...

Safety on the job site is no laughing matter. Well, maybe a little – Shake Hands With Danger Scores High On Unintentional Comedy (Video)

(Words by Greg Rourke) – Shake Hands With Danger is an industrial safety film produced in 1980. It was directed by Herk Harvey, best known as the director of “Carnival Of Souls”, a...

Effing Awesome Fail Video: A Massive Truck Tug of War Goes Very Very Wrong

Forgive us as we try to reconstruct the events leading up to this momentous video. There were cans, nay, gallons of Keystone beer chugged. There were minutes of angry Ford versus Chevy rumblings and...

Video Bonanza: Huge Ford Trucks Carrying Huge Wheelies On The Pulling Course And Slogging Through The Mud Pit

I am an unapologetic supporter of the growing movement of building huge trucks the old school way with 2.5-ton Rockwell axles, crazy leaf springs and big cubic inch fat block motors. The tube chassis...

Watch Ryan Anderson Make The Greatest “Save” In Monster Truck History – Truck Goes From On Roof To On Wheels!

We love people who simply cannot admit defeat. Ryan Anderson, one of Dennis Anderson’s sons is that type of guy. Having grown up as the spawn of the man who is now the world’s most famous...

Swamp Buggy Saturday Video: Vintage Swamp Buggy Racing Action

We’re unabashed fan boys of Steve Evans and we’ve made that point well known. The man rocked, and outside of the NHRA coverage, his best work was done covering the unique vehicles and,...

Watch An Ultra High Horsepower Mud Truck Get Absolutely Destroyed In A High Speed Crash

Jason Linden is the driver of an infamous mud bog and hill-‘n-hole truck named Nitroglycerin. He’s also a dude that is luck to be alive as you’ll see in this video. Linden suffered...

Big Stupid Fun: The Coolest Ford Pulling Truck Ever

There are those out there in the motorsports world that consider truck pulling to be a form of motorsports beneath them. While certainly a pretty simple concept, there is some neat technology...