TX2K 2024 Day 1-5 Video: Unexpected CHAMPIONS Were Crowned At The TX2K Drag Racing FINALS!

TX2K 2024 Day 1-5 Video: Unexpected CHAMPIONS Were Crowned At The TX2K Drag Racing FINALS!

Here’s our final TX2K 2024 video from our friends at 1320 Video is below. If you missed the previous videos, don’t worry because they are all below.

With the sale of Houston Raceway Park last year, TX2K was in need of a new home and with only one really big world class drag racing facility left, that meant that TX2K had to move to the Texas Motorplex in Ennis. This track was the first all concrete dragstrip in the world, and also the first to see a 300 mph pass, and we’re sure it will see new records during TX2K as well. The boys at 1320Video have some great video coming and are saying they have been seeing some of the best cars they have ever seen attend TX2K.

If you missed the previous video, it’s down below!

Video #5 Description:

The last day of TX2K is notoriously crazy with everyone pulling out all the stops and turning it up to 10. We had some amazing wheelies, upsets, reruns and all around great day of racing. With a slight rain delay around mid afternoon we picked back up like nothing happened thanks to the amazing track crew getting the track back up and running in record time, and not just on Sunday but all week long. This event wouldn’t be what it is without them!

Video #4 Description:

Day4 was a bit of an upsetting day because we didn’t get to race all day due to rain. Even with the rain coming mid-afternoon we still had a ton of great racing early in there day and got to see Heavy Weight and 2jz class get some awesome passes for their 8th round of qualifiers. Stay tuned for day 5!!

Video #3 Description:

Day 3 was another great day for racing, we unfortunately had a bit of a rain delay during our roll race eliminations but we got back to the action with just enough time to get through our finals for all the roll race classes. Lots of great racing, lots of false starts as well, but we only leave in the good stuff.

Video #2 Description:

TX2K Day 2 was another great day outside Dallas, tons of amazing drag racing passes from some reigning champs and new faces who came to throw down in the south. Drag racing qualifying went off flawlessly thanks to all the awesome racers and volunteers out here. We ended the day a little early due to some predicted rain but were already back and ready for more racing!

Video #1 Description:

TX2K first full day of racing went off without a hitch! So many familiar faces and returning champions back to try and bring home a win again! The staging lanes were packed full of some of the craziest builds we’ve seen at a 2k event, setting the bar for qualifying higher than EVER! We finished off the night with some awesome drag racing qualifiers to prepare to day 2!

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