
the car junkie daily magazine.


Category Archive: CRASH & BURN, Videos

Coming Monday: The Day of Destruction

We’ve been dropping videos of carnage on you over the last week, placing them here and there in the blog. We’ve had flying Corvettes, spinning big rigs, and even someone driving through a...

Carnage Video: Incredible Flying Corvette Launches into the Catch Fence

Here’s a fairly new video on Streetfire of a fairly old crash. It depicts a 1989 Corvette Challege race, where driver Stu Hayner ran over a wheel and tire that fell off of another car, and got...

Carnage Video: Drift Driver Runs Himself Over

This video was probably posted online the day after Al Gore invented the Internet, but it’s still stunning. An amateur drifter at a parking-lot event starts doing donuts, gets out of the car,...

Video: SUV Crashes Through a Bakery Store!

We have to thank CarDomain for showing us this one, because it’s freakin’ unbelievable. The video is one thing, with a Toyota 4Runner not only crashing through a bakery store (seen from...

Carnage Video: Nastiest Engine Explosion Ever, Part Two

One of the most popular video blogs ever here on BangShift.com is the one with the tractor-pull rig exploding its engine is such spectacular fashion that the tractor drives over the cylinder head....

Video: Green Hornet Movie Car Crash On Set

We would have never caught this one if it were not for the guys at CarDomain. It seems they surf TMZ.com more than we do, which is never. That celebrity-stalking site posted this way back on...

Carnage Video: Honda Civic Does Burnout, Bursts into Flames

Who would have thought that tying your Honda Civic to a concrete block and roasting the tires off the front of it would result in a pyrotechnic display? These guys didn’t. The little Honda...

Carnage of the Week: Davy Jones Wrecks Huge at 1986 IMSA Race

Man, this one has it all. Brock Yates and Steve Evans on the call, killer 1980’s IMSA GTP cars, and a massive wreck at high speeds. Davy Jones was the driver and he somehow managed to walk...

Carnage of the Week: Massively Destructive Turbine Engine Test

For this installment of Carnage of the Week we’re entering the world of aviation. This is video of a “blade off test” that simulates what happens when a fan blade breaks off and...

Carnage of the Week: If You’re Gonna be Dumb…

This week’s carnage is more human than mechanical. It’s a perfect lesson in, “If you’re gonna be dumb, you’ve got to be tough Take a couple of semi-drunken guys, a truck...

Carnage of the Week: Rally Car Rolls 15 Times!

Rally racing is cool stuff with cars flying through the air and hurtling over all sorts of terrain at high rates of speed. This particular car happens to be driven by the crazy nut Travis Pastrana....

Video of the Week: When Nitrous Goes Bad

Nitrous, like fire, can be man’s best friend or worst enemy when it goes wrong. Consider this video as going as wrong as it can possibly go. The drag car in question suffers a flaming nitrous...

Carnage of the Week: Nastiest Engine Explosion Video Ever

This new addition to our regular weekly blog items will highlight, as its title denotes, stuff going horribly wrong. Wrecks, explosions, rods exiting the block, blowers banging, you name it, it will...

Video of the Week: The Hot Rod Lincoln Jump

While we don’t produce and air our own videos any more, that won’t stop us from sharing some of the best gearhead stuff we’ve found in our travels on the Web. Case in point: this...