Look At What The Barn Find Hunter Has Discovered! JACKPOT: 90,000 sqft of Barn Find Heaven – Muscle Cars, Trucks, & More!

Look At What The Barn Find Hunter Has Discovered! JACKPOT: 90,000 sqft of Barn Find Heaven – Muscle Cars, Trucks, & More!

Barn finds are awesome, and this one here is truly something special. I’m not saying that you are going to want every single car and truck that is in these barns, but if you don’t find something you like then you are a lost cause. Yeah, I said barns. Plural. There are six barns, totally 90,000 square feet of space and it’s got tons and tons of cars, trucks, and more spread all through it. You just have to check it out to believe it.

Could this be the ultimate in barn finds?

Video Description:

== Contact [email protected] for any inquiries about the cars ==

90,000sqft or six barns full of dusty, rusty, forgotten treasures from decades of collecting. To name a few, GTOs, Caprices, Firebirds, Blazers, Suburban, Trucks, Jeeps, Broncos, and some pre-war cars. Everything is for sale and everything must go. Message email above, serious inquiries only.

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