
the car junkie daily magazine.


Addicted To Buying Cool Stuff? Watch What The Hot Rod Hoarder Has Found

Addicted To Buying Cool Stuff? Watch What The Hot Rod Hoarder Has Found

I wish I could deny that I am just like Tommy here, but I can’t. I love collecting cool stuff and the only thing that keeps me from having entirely too much of it is the fact that I don’t have much money to spend normally. With that said, when a screaming deal comes along I’m usually in full drool mode and have been known to come home with some interesting rides. One is actually the bigger cousin to this three wheeled ride that Tommy has found and while it doesn’t run and drive currently, it is a weekend away from being great.

Mine is called a Cushman Truckster and has a full cab with a pickup bed on the back. It is like a golfcart on steriods, but is most certainly not a utility side by side either. It’s like the original OG utility side by side.

But this video isn’t about my dumb stuff, but rather Tommy’s and so we’re glad to see he’s collecting more stuff because that means we’ll have more fun content to watch. Keep it up Tommy!

Video Description:

This time it’s a Cushman three-wheel scooter. I don’t know anything about these scooters, but I know it’s super cool and my daughter fell in love with it immediately. Let’s take a tour of it, and learn a little bit about it. Feel free to educate me on this thing.

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One thought on “Addicted To Buying Cool Stuff? Watch What The Hot Rod Hoarder Has Found

  1. Richard Wallendal

    Just sold my 56’
    Found it hard to start because needed to crack throttle while kicking it.
    Couldn’t do both so I made it electric start using a golf cart starter charger.

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