
the car junkie daily magazine.


How To Design And Fabricate A Curved Light Bar Mount For A Square Body GM Truck – Baja Designs 8 XL Goodness!

How To Design And Fabricate A Curved Light Bar Mount For A Square Body GM Truck – Baja Designs 8 XL Goodness!

Designing and building parts for your project car or truck is sometimes really complicated, but usually pretty straight forward. Unfortunately, some folks get so caught up in the what ifs that they end up with “analysis paralysis” and can’t even get themselves going for fear that it will be hard. In these cases they never even get to see it through far enough to realize it isn’t hard and then go without. That sucks. So around here we like to inspire you to work on your ride and to fabricate stuff whenever you can. It’s fun, it builds your skills, and it helps you to inspire others as well.

In this video from our friends at Willomet Motor and Fab, they are building a lightbar mount for the awesome square body Suburban so that they can fit a new Baja Designs 8XL light bar above the windshield. Watch, be inspired, and then going out and build your own.

Video Description:

Let there be light! This time, I’m building a very custom mount for a Baja Designs 8XL light rack, and make use of a handful of tips and techniques that save time and improve quality. Also, I’m doing to curve (radius) a tube in the process using a new tool from Swag Offroad. It’s 100% hand built, no lasers or outsourcing, so let’s get back to the roots of fabricating.

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