Category Archive: TECH, Videos
The Parting Shift: An Odd Sequential Shifter for Late Model Mustangs
Jun 25, 2010Brian Lohnes2
There’s a European company called SSS Drive that apparently develops sequential shift systems for late model cars. In this week’s Parting Shift we’re bringing you the...
Dyno Video: Tuning a BangShifter’s Kick Ass Road Racer on the Rollers
Jun 14, 2010Brian LohnesComments Off on Dyno Video: Tuning a BangShifter’s Kick Ass Road Racer on the Rollers member Bob Holmes, along with his teammates competes in the NASA American Iron road racing series. The team competes with a Mustang, but not in the configuration you’d expect....
Video: The 40th Anniversary Ignition from MSD
Nov 09, 2009Chad ReynoldsComments Off on Video: The 40th Anniversary Ignition from MSD
Earlier in the week, showed you the new MSD 40th anniversary 6AL ignition box in a cool retro-style look. Power TV was also there in the MSD booth and got this video of our friend and...
Video of the Week: Chassis-Dyno Accidents
Jan 15, 2009Chad ReynoldsComments Off on Video of the Week: Chassis-Dyno Accidents
I nabbed four clips off of YouTube for this week’s videos, all of them showing what can go wrong on a chassis dyno. Many of us here have countless dyno pulls under our belts, and it’s...