
the car junkie daily magazine.


Modern Rodding Interviews Roy Brizio, Builder Of The 2024 AMBR Winning 1932 Phaeton Of Beth And Ross Myers.

Modern Rodding Interviews Roy Brizio, Builder Of The 2024 AMBR Winning 1932 Phaeton Of Beth And Ross Myers.

By now you’ve all seen Beth and Ross Myers’ 1932 Ford Phaeton Roadster that won the coveted America’s Most Beautiful Roadster Award at the Grand National Roadster Show in Pomona, but in this video you’ll get to see the gang at Modern Rodding interview the builder, Roy Brizio. Now I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Brizio for several years now, and have been lucky enough to have traveled cross country with him, his dad Andy, and sister Terri. They are wonderful people, and talented beyond words. In an era of divisiveness, the Brizio family want everyone to enjoy their hot rods, regardless of whether the styles all match or not. Everyone has an opinion, and a vision, on what makes the perfect hot rod. But everyone isn’t always going to agree on all the things. But that’s okay, we’re still all hot rodders.

When Roy’s father Andy won the America’s Most Beautiful Roadster Award in 1970, it started an interesting Brizio legacy. You see Roy has been building hot rods for decades now, and has technically never won the AMBR himself. That’s because he’s never entered his own car. He has, however, built several AMBR winners for customers like Beth and Ross Myers. And he and his team build a hell of a hot rod up in Northern California.

So watch the video and see what you learn that you might not have know after checking out this bitchin, traditional, flamed hot rod roadster.

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