The Torque Test Channel Runs Milwaukee’s Secret $1,400 Impact Wrench Through It’s Paces: A Mechanic’s Dream?

The Torque Test Channel Runs Milwaukee’s Secret $1,400 Impact Wrench Through It’s Paces: A Mechanic’s Dream?

Why is this thing a secret? Well, mostly because Milwaukee has been pushing it towards one particular industry and nobody else was paying attention. But that is about to change. What we have here is a cordless impact gun that can be controlled via your phone. Why would you want to do that? Well, with the control you can choose how much power it has for loosening and tightening, but more importantly it allows you to choose a torque value to maximize it at. That means that you could set this thing to do exactly the right number of uga duggas, and the exact torque you want the fasteners to be at, and then just hit the trigger. LS Head Bolts? No problem. Mains? No problem. Whatever you want to tighten again and again, it will handle.

There’s more to it, and we’ll let the Torque Test Channel explain. It ain’t cheap either, but that probably won’t stop some of you from getting one anyway.

Video Description:

Our lifetime worth of TOOL RANKINGS are updated every week:… If you need a 3062:

Today we take a look at Milwaukee’s new yet mostly hidden from the world M18 3062 Controlled Mid-Torque impact wrench with Torque-Sense. We test what it says it can do, as well as look at what it might accidently be just as good at doing, with some curve balls thrown in along the way just to step outside the brochure.

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