
the car junkie daily magazine.


Better Than Ever: Newbern Is Trading Cars Again, Which Means He’s Got Another Tri-Five Coming, But He’s Already Owned It Once.

Better Than Ever: Newbern Is Trading Cars Again, Which Means He’s Got Another Tri-Five Coming, But He’s Already Owned It Once.

You ever sell a car to someone and tell them that if they ever decide to get rid of it they should call you first? Or just get a call one day from someone who owns one of your old cars and is wanting to unload it? Well that is exactly what happened to Newbern recently as his buddy Wesley decided that the 1955 Chevrolet 2-door post car he’d gotten from Dave was going to be more work than he really wanted to do, so a trade was made. What’s funny is that they actually have to start putting this car together just to get one off the trailer. I say one, because there is a lot more coming back to Newbern than left with the car originally.

Video Description:

On this Episode my friend Wesley Keyes brings a load of 55 Chevys to Georgia. I traded him one of these 55’s a year ago and he decided to let it go and offered it to me first. I ended up trading him my 1992 GMC Top Kick for my 55, a parts car and some other parts he had been collecting. Since I bought the C50 I completely lost interest in the Top Kick. It doesn’t leave without a fight though. The battery was junk, cables were fried and the starter was dead.


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